
分析 主题
Transport: increasing oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions hamper EU progress towards environment and climate objectives
Mobility plays a key role in the EU economy. However, the EU transport sector still relies heavily on fossil fuels and is responsible for one quarter of Europe’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions — a share that keeps growing. In addition, the sector is a significant source of air pollution despite significant progress achieved since 1990, especially of particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), as well as the main source of environmental noise in Europe. Current efforts to limit the sector’s environmental and climate impacts in Europe are not sufficient to meet the EU’s long-term climate and environmental policy objectives.
源: European Environment Agency

近年来,尽管意大利退出了"一带一路"倡议,但意大利和中国仍保持着牢固的经济关系。 意大利总理乔治*梅洛尼(Giorgia Meloni)对北京的访问突显了意大利继续促进合作的意图,重点是高价值部门和加强贸易。

源: China briefing