
Eurasian Rail Alliance Index calculation methodology involves separate calculating of loaded and empty containers transportation cost on each route.

The weight of each route is defined as the ratio of loaded/empty containers traffic volume along this route to the total volume of transported containers for the accounting period.

The general formula for calculating
ERAI value is as follows:
m = 1
Transportation cost T
on route m
Specific weight
of route m

As additional instruments to ERAI, two sub-indices have been created - ERAI U West and ERAI U East, which reflect the cost of 1 FEU transportation on Asia-Europe or Europe-Asia route respectively. ERAI as well as the sub-indices (ERAI U West and ERAI U East) constitute the hierarchical system of the Index, which currently has two levels.

Thus, ERAI is a comprehensive composite indicator reflecting the current state of the container railway transportation market and can be applied as an instrument for analytics and marketing research. ERAI U West and ERAI U East sub-indices, in turn, reflect the weighted average transportation cost on the definite routes (Asia-Europe or Europe-Asia) and can be applied in determining the value of contracts for containers transit transportation.

Components used for calculating the value of ERAI
Tariffs on cargo freight across the territory of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus
Fitting platform lease/usage cost
Freight train travel time and speed
Market price of freight forwarding, terminal, agency, customs services
Container train load level
Freight balancing level across destinations
Percentage of empty containers in the traffic volume
Cost of cargo escorting and security services
Relation of 20- and 40-foot containers in transit freight