Interactive map: Production impact of COVID-19 on the European auto industry


This interactive map shows the impact of the coronavirus / COVID-19 crisis on the production of motor vehicles for each of the 27 EU member states plus the UK.

Status on: 25/05/2020

EU-wide production losses due to factory shutdowns amount to at least 2,435,824 motor vehicles so far. This figure includes passenger cars, trucks, vans, buses and coaches. The average shutdown duration is 30 working days at the moment. Production losses are obviously set to increase if shutdowns are extended or additional plants are brought to a halt.

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Monitoring the situation internationally - Germany
Germany registered its first Corona-case on January 27, and as of April 30 around 162,500 cases have been reported, and 6.572 deaths have been registered. 123,500 people have reportedly recovered from the virus. This report intends to provide DI’s members with a selection of information on essential developments related to the Corona crisis in Germany.