World Bank: China's economy is expected to grow 8.5% this year


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The Eurasian Landbridge: Implications of Linking East Asia and Europe by Rail

The Eurasian landbridge has contributed to increased sustainable connectivity between the EU and China during the decade of the 2010s. Felicitously, this market-driven development preceded, and also complemented, major foreign economic policy announcements by China and the EU and reinforces their goal of increased connectivity. The resulting connectivity is likely to survive any bilateral political debacles because the economic foundation is strong

China’s trade challenges

The trade relationship between China and the US has been deteriorating, a trend that began during the Trump administration and has continued under Biden. While the EU has been more cautious in its approach, its patience with China’s trade practices is wearing thin, leading to potential further strain in the trade relationship between China and the West.

Source: Rabobank