New Amsterdam-London Express launched from China


Starting 2 September, a new multimodal service links Xi’an in China with the port of Amsterdam and London. The direct rail freight line runs via Slavkov in the south of Poland, avoiding the busy border point at Malaszewicze-Brest. Short sea connections from Amsterdam connect to the UK.

The new service is launched by Nunner Logistics, in partnership with Tiedada Logistics and TMA in the port of Amsterdam. Amsterdam has always been a stop in the repertoire of the logistics company, but it is the first time it is part of such an extended route.

Departure dates

The new service, also dubbed the Amsterdam-London Express, will depart Xi’an every Tuesday. The transit time to Slavkov is ten days; it takes another seven days to reach Amsterdam. One day later the cargo can be expected in London. Other ports in the UK are considered too.

The detour via Slavkov is coming up as an attractive alternative to the traditional Belarus-Poland crossing. The route runs through Ukraine, and in the case of the Amsterdam-London Express, also through Belarus. But the capacity of this route is plenty and therefore compelling to rail freight companies.

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